Saturday, November 27, 2010

Safety first. Electrical lines needs to be check first before they proceed.

Mohd Amin, one of the contractor who is going to repair and provide the air -conditioning for the selected rooms proposed by the Guru Besar to the Ministry.

Every visitor must note something been done and what needs to be done for the ministry's reference. Ak Fakhruddin from Ministry of Education (building Unit)

Everyone that came must write something so that Teachers can refer these activities of any visit. Thank You for coming. Hope to see new air cond in 2011.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Teachers explaining the preparation...

Good results.. Parents attended the function..

Cikgu Qamariah represent for year 2 pupils.

Cikgu Noor Hazlin binti Tarip with her colorful advice

Hajah Fojiah binti Hj Osaman made a good speech to convince the parent

Mohd Arif bin Ahmad explaining the child's improvement in class.

Steps to go further and to excel in Secondary School also need to be delivered.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Negara Berzikir...

The girls..

Lafaz Takbir

Pra Pupils also followed

They led the reading for the other pupils.

Guru Besar SRHT also attended the function.

Very energetic.

BraVE Little Lad to try the TAKBIR Aidil Eid. Wafi is from Year 1.

The boys in green and white.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


The things we need to make a Sandwich.... mmmmmm... Year 2 pupils.... and Science lesson...

Burberry Jam and Eggs will be one of the Healthy food to be used..

The Teacher did not say anything.. the pupils already started to move.. the pupils need to be controlled by the Teacher so that they will learn more effectively... here we go...

See... look at those response from the pupils.. The Question was: Can anyone show me how to make a Sandwich??
There were 4 pupils who never made a sandwich themselves, Sistem Pendidikan Negara 21 gives opportunity to the pupils to learn and to experience every details in classroom.

Cikgu Hazlin came to see how the pupils work..

Clear explanation is the key to attract pupils attention. Let the pupils feel confident and encouraged to tackle these tasks.

Look how eager they are when they understood what has to be done!!!

There were three Teachers in the classroom, teamwork is very important. We need that to minimize challenge.

This is where the pupils did their hands on (experiment) and made their own sandwich themselves... very nice.. tasty....

Enjoying the food??? Yummy!!!

Teachers should be creative in re-creating lessons. They have to know how to approach the pupils and how to educate them effectively. These are one of the Teaching style that we need to instill in all SPN Teachers.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Sudut ini kelihatan tidak begitu menarik, tetapi apabila guru - guru pandai menarik perhatian murid dan menggunakannya dengan baik. Maka peluang murid untuk belajar juga akan senantiasa terbuka luas kerana pengajaran dan pembelajaran tidak hanya berlaku di dalam kelas.... selain daripada dirumah.....fikirkanlah.......

Di sudut matematik, terdapat beberapa topic yang digunapakai dalam skim pelajaran sekolah. Murid dapat melawat sudut tersebut untuk menimba ilmu pengetahun secara lebih mendalam lagi.

Walaupun sibuk dengan aktiviti tersebut, salah seorang daripada mereka memang suka digambar.

Bak kata pepatah orang putih "GOOD HABITS DIE HARD" hehehe... inilah yang kita akan contohi kepada Tunas Bangsa kita. Berikanlah contoh yang baik kepada murid - murid, supaya kita (GURU) akan melahirkan insan yang berguna iaitu sopan, berbudi serta pandai berbicara dan saling hormat menghormati diantara satu sama lain.

Salah satu hasil yang dibuat dengan bantuan semua pihak sekolah, walaubagaimanapun.. beberapa orang guru yang tidak ikut serta akan diberikan peluang untuk sudut- sudut lain.

Berkerjasama dan berkomunikasi secara effektif adalah kunci utama penyelesaian masaalah dimana sahaja. Tahniah diucapkan kepada warga sekolah ini.

Membuat keputusan (Decision Making) adalah element yang penting dalam membuat sesuatu perkara. Murid membuat keputusan, memilih dan berbincang sesama sendiri pada apa yang mereka perlukan untuk mencantikkan sudut -sudut tersebut.

Mereka diberikan peluang untuk membuat apa saja bagi kepentingan sekolah

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mengemaskini Stor Sekolah (Activity After PSR)

Cikgu Lim Han turut membantu menyusun barang dengan rapi.

Ustaz Ashrah pun turut memberikan bantuan walaupun beliau tidak memakai baju sukan pada waktu itu.

Aktiviti mengemaskini stor sekolah bermaksud membersihkan stor bagi menangani masalah Tikus dan Anai - anai. Nazri dan Abd Rahman

Murid-murid tahun 6 pun turut menolong guru-guru yang bertugas walaupun mereka tidak diarahkan untuk membersihkan stor tersebut. Contoh murid yang baik adalah murid yang proaktif dan berinisiatif. Saya sangat berbangga dengan apa yang mereka lakukan sekarang.

Abdul Rahman, Nazri Nasrullah dan Abdul Wafi

Diantara yang hadir ialah ..........

Habuk yang tertinggal akan diperiksa kembali bagi memastikan pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan itu cermat. Sepertimana yang pernah dikatakan oleh Jefo CF....

Cg Arif juga turut membantu dan guru -guru juga terus mengumpulkan barang yang sepatutnya dihapuskan bagi prosess seterusnya.

Terima Kasih atas bantuan dan usaha yang diberikan daripada Murid - murid, Guru - guru dalam melaksanakan arahan daripada Guru Besar. Tanpa bantuan kamu semua, kita tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan apa yang telah diarahan dengan baik. Terima Kasih.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Chess is a two-player game board played on a chess board, a square-checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. Each player begins the game with sixteen pieces one king, one Queen, two rooks (one of my favourites), two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack and there is no way to remove or defend it from attack on the next move. They all started playing chess a few hundred years ago according to research from Europe.

The girls played their round and end with a fair result.Thats a godd way to move.......

Noorhazeem bin Haji Norisham (Category A) and
Syairah binti Rosmi (Categoy B).

I wish i was the one who won those trophies... Well Done guys!!!!!!

Check!!! your mine now.....

The venue: Sekolah Rendah Haji Tarif, Library. A place where we can really concentrate....