Friday, December 24, 2010
Kunjungan daripada murid- murid Tahun 6 yang sudah bersekolah di peringkat menengah. Murid - murid tersebut adalah bekas murid Sekolah ini yang menduduki peperiksaan pada tahun 2009. Mereka mendapat markah cemerlang dan mara ke peringkat menengah meneruskan zaman persekolahan mereka.
Yang membuat saya terharu, ialah mereka datang tanpa diundang keskolah dan meminta izin kepada Guru Besar untuk berjumpa guru - guru yang pernah mengajar mereka. Murid - murid tersebut berjumpa guru - guru berkenaan dan mengucapkan terima kasih. Hanya itu sahaja yang mereka nyatakan.
Alangkah besarnya rasa hati dan rasa bangga guru - guru jika semua murid berbuat demikian. Slogan Kata terima kasih ini bukan senang dituturkan secara ikhlas dan murid- murid tersebut berjaya melakukannya.
Terima Kasih adalah ayat yang penuh bermakna bagi setiap insan jika digunakan sebaiknya, saya sarankan kepada semua agar melatih diri untuk berterima kasih sesama sendiri kerana penghargaan seperti itu tidak dapat dijual beli..
Murid - murid tersebut melawat keskolah pada 26 / november /2010. Pada waktu rehat jam 10:00 - 10:30 pagi.
civics awareness,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Collecting Donations??? or Fees??? U tell me...
Running and laughing, playing around and having fun!!!
Taking up challenges given by the Teachers.
What will we encounter next year? Year 6? 100 %?
Eager to go first....
Practice Dancing for the closing school term (4th Term)
Good Friends!!!! Good REsults!!
Dhiya will be going to another school next Year 2011.
Wathiqah keeps smiling, looking at her firends playing.....
Funny faces during the day.... laughs all the way...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Papan Rosak Merbahaya!!!
Dua orang perkerja melaksanakan tugas tersebut selama 2 hari. Pihak sekolah menyediakan makanan mereka bagi sesi tengahari dan petang.
Kesukaran berkerja di Kampung Ayer adalah cabaran yang luar Biasa.
Seperti contoh cerita rakan kerja saya yang mengandung pernah jatuh ke dalam sungai apabila dia hendak cuba turun dari tangga ke perahu lalu terjatuh. Nasib baik ada guru yang sanggup terjun kesungai untuk menyelamatkannya, jikalau tidak adakah guru perempuan itu terselamat bersama kandungannya???
Turut terpaut ialah segala dokumen penting, komputer, tel bimbit juga turut rosak dibasahi Ayer.
Jika tidak ditukar kayunya, saya pasti dalam beberapa bulan ada warga sekolah akan tercedera disebabkan oleh kerosakkan ini.
Hampir roboh ditelan anai yang bermastautin di sekolah.
Pengurusan pentadbiran juga turut terjejas jika pembaikkkan tidak dijalankan.
Terima Kasih Kementerian Pendidikan atas khidmat tindakan segera yang diberikan pada sekolah kami.
Tahniah kepada Kementerian Pendidikan atas layanan Tekad Pemedulian Orang Ramai secara segera demi keselamatan murid.
Murid akan menggunakan lagi jambatan ini pada tahun 2011.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Suasana pagi waktu persekolahan jika ada sampah
Setiap pagi Kera akan berkeliaran memecah suasana kesunyian untuk mencari makan dikawasan pembuangan sampah sekolah, pernah juga salah seorang murid dikejar oleh binatang tersebut. (sangat merbahaya)
Gambar ini diambil sebelum sampah tersebut dibersihkan oleh pembersih sekolah.
Guru - guru juga turut bimbang tentang serangan kera pada murid- murid sekolah.
Tindakan sekolah:
Guru Besar telah menyediakan dan mengarahkan guru - guru untuk datang lebih awal kesekolah demi menjaga keselamatan murid supaya tidak diserang kera yang berkeliaran secara berkumpulan di kawasan pagar masuk sekolah.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Opening Speech by the Head Mistress Cikgu Hamiltun binti Haji Abdul Samad, Guru Kelas Pra Cikgu Hajah Radhiyah bte Hj Ibrahim and Mrs Carron Montgomery from Scotland (CFBT)
Parents eager to send their pupils here because we(our teachers) will try to provide the best education possible.
conducted like a real classroom after they visited all the important places including the toilet and how to use them.
Head Mistress came to see the pupils activity in class, any feedback will be given to the appointed Pra Teacher next Year.
Early childhood education is very important, we start from basic. Keep going back to basic to gain one step forward.
The prefects also came flooding the Pra class. They played with the pupils with their new toys.
Abdul Hakeem seems to blend in easily with the environment. Good to know.. We need on special needs Teacher because Abdul Hakeem is a very special pupil.
What kind of pose is this? Aqil, did you made him do this??
Spotted! Computer room, this is one of the favorable places to visit when they come to school.
In one line, practice for 2011, they cannot wait.
A few of the Pra pupils already know where to go after the Orientation was conducted.
A visit to the Teacher's staffroom. Very excited indeed.
Parents eager to send their pupils here because we(our teachers) will try to provide the best education possible.
conducted like a real classroom after they visited all the important places including the toilet and how to use them.
Head Mistress came to see the pupils activity in class, any feedback will be given to the appointed Pra Teacher next Year.
Early childhood education is very important, we start from basic. Keep going back to basic to gain one step forward.
The prefects also came flooding the Pra class. They played with the pupils with their new toys.
Abdul Hakeem seems to blend in easily with the environment. Good to know.. We need on special needs Teacher because Abdul Hakeem is a very special pupil.
What kind of pose is this? Aqil, did you made him do this??
Spotted! Computer room, this is one of the favorable places to visit when they come to school.
In one line, practice for 2011, they cannot wait.
A few of the Pra pupils already know where to go after the Orientation was conducted.
A visit to the Teacher's staffroom. Very excited indeed.
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